25 important facts about DSLR

  1. DSLR:  Digital Single Lens Reflex
  2. mirror system inside lets you preview through the viewfinder the same image that is being captured on film
  3. prime lens; only one focal length
  4. zoom lenses; variable focal lengths
  5. kit lens; a basic lens that comes with a camera body in a ” kit,” usually not too expensive
  6. 70 mm it takes a photo of the object and your surroundings
  7. 135 mm is just  the front of the object
  8. 300 mm is a zoom in photo of the object
  9.   focal length sports, birds, wildlife
  10. or portraiture
  11. taking a portrait you will want to take in on 200mm
  12. AF (autofocus) vs. MF (manual focus)
  13. zoom vs. focus
  14. how exposure is determined: window, garden hose, tanning

  15. formerly ASA (American Standards Association)

  16. HIGH ISO value means the sensor will be MORE sensitive to light,
  17. also meaning it will take LESS LIGHT to get the right exposure
  18. more available light = lower ISO
  19. less available light = higher ISO
  20. shutter speed: how long the shutter is open
  21. The shutter in a camera is half a circle (180 degrees)
  22. your shutter speed should be double 
    your frame rate
  23. camera shake: occurs with a shutter speed slower than 1/ [focal length] of a second
  24. fraction: focal length divided by lens diameter
  25. smaller number actually represents a larger opening

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